Friday, January 13, 2012

The Time Is Now

Considering the fact I've been waiting for this for a long time - as some people suggested, my whole life - I reckon it deserves a blog of its own. From what it looks like, I'm entering a new and exciting stage of my life.

I got the job!

Not that exciting, I know. But let me finish and then you can go down that road if you'd like.

It's a job I applied for just before Christmas. I got a reply five or so hours after I emailed it, right about the time when the guys got to work. I had the first interview with the office manager and it went oh so well, so she suggested she'll have a word with the boss, who brings the final decision anyway.

We'll talk once we're back from holiday, on January 9th, and we'll try to arrange a Skype interview with the boss.

That was so far away in my head. I couldn't see it coming. Plus talking to the boss. Not fun.

So, after twenty or so minutes I get a message from the office manager:

I talked to the boss and I told her all about you. She'd like to schedule a meeting on January 9th?
January 9th? Really?!

I'm jello all over again. I don't get scared, I just get the jitters. Kind of exciting because of all the possibilities, but not scary.

I've read all there is about the job, about the position, about the ideology, about the history, about the universe, whatever. I'm reading the legal acts, I'm browsing local newspapers, installing the iPhone application to start learning the language...

It's January 9th. Just before midnight. Really early or really late. They're waking up and getting to work. Same story again. That's time zones...

Could we postpone the meeting? I have a couple of meetings here.
What's another couple of days? I'll only flip out a couple of times...

So it's the 12th. I should circle it on the calendar. There's a Skype friend request and the phone rings.


You just start asking what needs to be sorted with the Embassy and I'll talk to you next week.

A Fight-Club moment. All slow motion. We finish the interview, but I keep staring at the screen nonetheless. I'm not sure how much time had passed, but there was another ring and I answered my sister's phone call.

The paperwork takes two to four months, the flight is covered, the pay is pretty good, the team seems great.


And now I'm telling you the story...

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